Pelagus SAR Tool

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), following the conclusion of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue signed in Hamburg in 1979, has published and updated the International Air Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (IAMSAR) several times. According to the convention, at national level, there is a single plan for search and rescue at sea… Continue reading PELAGUS SAR Tool

New HF radio SUMMUS


ELMAN presents the new HF radio SUMMUS. SUMMUS is the robust and reliable transceiver device in the MF/HF band with support for DSC functionality. The device allows transmission in the frequency range 1.5 ÷ 30 MHz. SUMMUS can be used as a GMDSS Base Station for HF communications and is also equipped with Navtex functionality… Continue reading New HF radio SUMMUS

G7 Italy

G7 Italy - Elman TG2

ELMAN was honored to have been part of the great international G7 summit, whose final event took place in Puglia from 13 to 15 June.ELMAN supported the Guardia di Finanza and the Italian Coast Guard in the complex task of ensuring security and order, monitoring the sea and coasts of the entire region. For this… Continue reading G7 Italy

Mobile Control Tower

Torre mobile MMI

ELMAN provided a Mobile Control Tower to support the flight activities of the Grottaglie Aircraft Station of the Italian Navy. The need arises from the Navy’s requirement to acquire a mobile Operations Center, capable of being used on the grounds of the Grottaglie military airport, during flight crew training activities, or outside of it during… Continue reading Mobile Control Tower

14th IHMA Congress

IHMA 2024

ELMAN will attend the 14th IHMA (International Harbour Masters Association) Congress at the Tanger Med Port from the 21st to the 24th of May.   We will be proud to show our latest solution for Smart Port Management, which integrates traffic monitoring systems, centralized communication systems, mobile applications and drones.   You are more than… Continue reading 14th IHMA Congress

CISE Alert for SMA

CISE Alert Slovenia

ELMAN is supporting the Slovenian Maritime Administration (SMA) in the European projects CISE and CISE-Alert. The PELAGUS VTMIS platform is used to carry out integration tests with other countries. The information exchanged in terms of events and vessel data is integrated seamlessly on the platform, allowing the operator to work from his position without additional… Continue reading CISE Alert for SMA

New Operations Room for the Army Aviation Center

Centro Addestrativo Aviazione dell'Esercito

ELMAN installed the VIS system in the new Operations Room of the Italian Army Aviation Training Center. The communication system includes new avionics band radios (for civil and military frequencies), HF radios, VHF radios, UHF radios, DMR radios. The radiating system, including cables and antennas, has been completely renovated. The analogue and digital telephone lines… Continue reading New Operations Room for the Army Aviation Center

New systems for the Gregoretti ship

Nave Gregopretti

ELMAN completed the design, supply and installation of the new communications and Mission systems on board the CP920, Vessel Bruno Gregoretti of the Italian Coast Guard. The famous Naval Unit, frequently engaged in international operations, is now equipped with the latest generation radio equipment in the MF, HF, marine VHF, avionics VHF and UHF bands.… Continue reading New systems for the Gregoretti ship

ELMAN is now part of the NMEA

NMEA 2023

We are honored to share that ELMAN is now part of the NMEA – National Marine Electronics Association. As always ELMAN actively pays attention to the technological evolution and keeps its equipment updated to the most advanced standards!   About NMEA The National Marine Electronics Association, is a worldwide, member based trade organization revolving around… Continue reading ELMAN is now part of the NMEA

VTS France System


The Factory Acceptance Tests of the PELAGUS VTS integrated system for France were successfully concluded in the presence of the supervisors of the “La Direction Générale des Affaires Maritimes, de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture (DGAMPA)”. The platform, developed by ELMAN, will play a key role in the French National ship traffic monitoring system SYSNAV;… Continue reading VTS France System