The MDC antennas family is composed of different models of multidipole antennas (ie consisting of several radiant dipoles in a single structure).
Each single dipole is powered independently (Impedance 50 Ohm, N-type connector), the passage of the cables is made in the center of the structure and the separation between the different dipoles is greater than 30 dB.


Ground Plane antennas are omnidirectional antennas consisting of a central vertical radiating element 1/4 wavelength long and 4 radial elements starting from the base.
The radials constitute a fictitious ground plane.


Ground Plane antennas are omnidirectional antennas consisting of a central vertical radiating element 1/4 wavelength long and 4 radial elements starting from the base.
The radials constitute a fictitious ground plane.


Ground Plane antennas are omnidirectional antennas consisting of a central vertical radiating element 1/4 wavelength long and 4 radial elements starting from the base.
The radials constitute a fictitious ground plane.


Ground Plane antennas are omnidirectional antennas consisting of a central vertical radiating element 1/4 wavelength long and 4 radial elements starting from the base.
The radials constitute a fictitious ground plane.