CISE Alert for SMA

CISE Alert Slovenia

ELMAN is supporting the Slovenian Maritime Administration (SMA) in the European projects CISE and CISE-Alert.

The PELAGUS VTMIS platform is used to carry out integration tests with other countries. The information exchanged in terms of events and vessel data is integrated seamlessly on the platform, allowing the operator to work from his position without additional modules.

The Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) is an EU initiative which aims to make European and EU/EEA Member States surveillance systems interoperable to give all concerned authorities from different sectors access to additional classified and unclassified information they need to conduct missions at sea.

CISE-ALERT project intends to launch the Common information sharing environment (CISE) as an operational tool to increase cooperation of the EU actors involved in maritime surveillance missions.

CISE Alert Slovenia Console