Elman, in joint venture with Ernst & Young, was awarded with the European call for the study and implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1239 of the 20th of June 2019 which establishes the reference framework for a European Maritime Single Window environment.
The aim of the regulation is to facilitate maritime transport and to reduce the administrative burden on the shipping Companies by easing and simplifying the administrative formalities for the European Union vessels. Specifically, the Regulation aims to ensure that the information related to the reporting obligations is submitted in electronic format only once for all the European Union.
Public Administrations, Maritime Authorities, Customs, Inspection bodies and any other relevant authority will be called to share the data, without the need of the vessel to provide the same information several times. The environment will make information available to all involved Bodies at the same time and in a standard format. The study will be completed by the end of 2022.