VTS France System


The Factory Acceptance Tests of the PELAGUS VTS integrated system for France were successfully concluded in the presence of the supervisors of the “La Direction Générale des Affaires Maritimes, de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture (DGAMPA)”.

The platform, developed by ELMAN, will play a key role in the French National ship traffic monitoring system SYSNAV; it will also be perfectly integrated with both the SeaMIS and SurNAV systems.

Following the evaluation tests aimed at verifying the various functionalities and specifications linked to performance, the PELAGUS VTS suite was found to be fully compliant with the requirements, passing hundreds of tests to which the system was subjected and exceeding expectations.

The sensor integration phase (AIS, Radar and RDF) has been planned in order not to interfere with the activities of the VTS and MRCC operators, and will begin in the next few weeks at the CROSS control centers in Metropolitan France. During this phase, a gradual transition of operations towards the new system is expected, following an on-the-job coaching and training of the personnel.

Upon completion of the integration process, the PELAGUS VTS platform will be in use by all CROSS centers in Metropolitan France and overseas. This will guarantee a perfect cooperation with the new French national AIS system Logical Shore Station (AIS LSS), which has been also developed and supplied by ELMAN. As proudly presented, the AIS LSS project is unique in its particular requirements for dynamic message routing and will help to increase the safety of navigation even in remote unattended areas, in addition to metropolitan and overseas territories.
